Are Health Foods Really Healthy? Celebrity Nutritionist Busts 3 Common Myths


Let’s admit, we all know how important it is to eat nutritious foods to keep up a healthy lifestyle. Healthy eating and healthy living go hand-in-hand. This is why, most of us pay extra attention to what we eat on an everyday basis. Besides, we also like to keep ourselves updated with all the health and diet related news available on the internet. Every day we come across different advertisements, posts and videos explaining the goodness of several health foods. Going by these posts, many of us include those food products in our diet to make it healthier. But have you ever wondered if those food products are healthy (or not)?! To make it easier for all, Celebrity Nutritionist Lovneet Batra took to Instagram to debunk some of the most common myths that have been doing the rounds for years.

Nutritionist Lovneet Batra shares a post on her Instagram handle that reads, “There are so many myths when it comes to eating Healthy. And, just because it seems healthy doesn’t mean it is. So, here are 3 foods that may not be as healthy as their marketing claims make them out to be.” Let’s take a look.

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Here’re 3 Foods That Are Not As Healthy As It Seems:

1. Sugar-Free Substitutes-

Sugar-free substitutes are used to mimic the sweet taste of sugar, but that doesn’t make them healthy food. These artificial sweeteners can increase your overall caloric intake, make you crave real sugar, cause insulin resistance and changes in the gut micro-biome.

2. Refined Oils-

Refined oil (or vegetable oil) is one of the most commonly used ingredients in our kitchens. But unfortunately, not everything that comes from vegetable is a healthy food. Partially hydrogenated vegetable oil can raise bad cholesterol and increase your risk for heart disease.

3. Pre-Made Smoothie Bowls-

Premade smoothies can appear to be full of nutrients and seem like an easy way to reach your health goals. But did you know they pack a ton of added sugar and filler juice from concentrate?! These factors subsequently make these smoothies not-so-healthy after all.

Considering this, we suggest, always make an informed decision before adapting to any change in your diet or lifestyle. “Remember, the most powerful tool for nutrition you have is knowledge of what you’re eating,” Lovneet Batra concludes.

Watch The Complete Video Post:

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About Somdatta SahaExplorer- this is what Somdatta likes to call herself. Be it in terms of food, people or places, all she craves for is to know the unknown. A simple aglio olio pasta or daal-chawal and a good movie can make her day.


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