Home HEALTH & FITNESS Ditch the Takeout: Try These 6 Simple and Exciting Veg Recipes for Summer Nights!

Ditch the Takeout: Try These 6 Simple and Exciting Veg Recipes for Summer Nights!

Ditch the Takeout: Try These 6 Simple and Exciting Veg Recipes for Summer Nights!


After a long day, when energy is scarce, planning a dinner meal becomes a challenge. However, relying on easy options or ordering food from outside every day isn’t healthy or budget-friendly. In this article, we have curated a selection of delicious and hassle-free recipes perfect for summer dinners. These dishes not only save you time in the kitchen but also provide a delightful meal for your family. Let’s explore these special recipes without delay.

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1. Paneer Fried Rice:

Paneer fried rice is a delectable and protein-packed dish that can be prepared in under 15 minutes. The combination of sauces and spices adds an extra zing to this recipe. Find the recipe [here].


2. Masoor Dal Khichdi:

Khichdi holds a special place in our hearts, and this masoor dal khichdi recipe offers a healthy and flavorful twist. Rich in protein, this dish pairs well with achar, papad, or chutney. Find the recipe [here].


3. Tavoor Dal:

Also known as Arhar Dal, Tavoor Dal is a tantalizing dish with a light mixture of onion, tomato, and spices. This flavorful dal can be prepared in just 15 minutes and goes perfectly with jeera rice. Find the recipe [here].

4. Pudina Aloo:

While Jeera Aloo is a popular dish, trying the refreshing pudina aloo adds a nice and unique touch to your summer meals. This sabzi combines mint, coriander, asafoetida, and spices for a delicious flavor. Pair it with chapati for a delightful combination. Find the recipe [here].

5. Cucumber Rice:

Cucumber rice is a simple yet refreshing recipe, ideal for the summer season. Packed with the cooling properties of cucumber, along with peanuts, coconut, and mild spices, it’s a delightful option. Find the recipe [here].

6. Aloo Palak Paratha:

Aloo palak paratha is a healthy and flavorful choice that should be on everyone’s must-try list. It takes less than 20 minutes to prepare and pairs well with plain curd or any kind of raita. Find the recipe [here].

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These easy and delicious vegetarian recipes provide a range of options for your summer dinners. By trying out these recipes, you can create a wonderful meal for your family without spending hours in the kitchen. Enjoy the flavors of summer with these delightful dishes!


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