Don’t wear underwear, won’t wear Covid masks: How US anti-mask campaigners justify decision


A group of anti-mask campaigners in Florida came up with bizarre reasons, ranging from Satanism to not wanting to tamper with the breathing system of human bodies, to justify not wearing masks. The reasons were cited at a meeting of the Palm Beach County Committee.

Some of the residents who spoke even pulled up some medical experts and doctors present at the meeting of the county to say they will all be arrested for the violations of human rights.

“I don’t wear mask for the same reason I don’t wear underwear. Things gotta breathe,” said one of the speakers as those present at the meeting broke into laughter.

One such anti-mask campaigner, an old lady with grey hair, said, “They want to throw out God’s wonderful breathing system out of the door. You’re all turning your backs on it.”

In a video shared by US media house Now This, the angry anti-mask campaigners can be seen coming up with all kinds of reasons to justify not wearing Covid masks.

Another campaigner opposing wearing of masks that has now become a way of live after the deaths of over 4 lakh people across the world due to coronavirus said when God created man, he breathed life into the human body by “breathing his breath in him”.

“Where do you derive the authority to regulate human breathing,” the staunch anti-mask campaigner asked at the county meeting in Florida.

Another young anti-mask campaigner went on to say that all those forcing people to wear masks will be arrested. Pointing at a doctor, she said, “You, doctor, will be arrested for crimes against humanity.”

United States is the worst-affected country in the world with over 2.47 million coronavirus cases. US has also suffered the highest coronavirus deaths in the world. Over 1,26,000 people have died of coronavirus in the United States.

Globally, total coronavirus cases are about to touch the 10 million-mark.

While these anti-mask campaigners claimed that using masks have killed people, it is quite contrary to the reality. Usage of masks prevent the contagious virus from spreading to other people in the vicinity through droplets.

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