ITB Book Awards 2022: The winners have been announced


Among the winners are the authors Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Fuchs, Prof. Christian Grataloup, Marianne Salentin-Träger and Rita Henss, Thomas Böhm, Peter Hinze, Boris Herrmann and Andreas Wolfers, Halldór Gudmundsson, Julian Sancton, Jaroslav Rudiš, Jörg Römer and Christoph Seidler, Dieter Richter, Christine Thürmer, Katharina Finke, Susan Tyler Hitchcock, Felix Neureuther with Bernd Ritschel and Michael Ruhland. The author Prof. Dr. Albrecht Steinecke and the Munich-based publisher Afrika-Verlag Ilona Hupe are being honoured with Lifetime Awards.


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