Kim Jong Un’s calendar has no day-offs, holidays or birthdays, says state media


New Delhi: North Korea’s Supreme Leader, Kim Jong Un has ‘no day-offs’ and has been working without taking any ‘holiday’ or celebrating his ‘birthday’, said an article in the North Korean state media.

The article published in Rodong Sinmun on Saturday (May 16, 2020) dedicated the entire front page to the eighth-anniversary celebration of North Korean Supreme’s leadership. 

Kim Jong, who was recently in the news for his critical health issues, is serving as Supreme Leader of North Korea since 2011 and the leader of the Workers’ Party of Korea since 2012.

The article lauding the 36-year old’s hard work for the country’s economy, military, and ideology read, “From the outset, the revolutionary calendar of our leader does not have any day-offs, holidays, or birthdays.”

The Rodong Sinmun’s article also stated that the Supreme Leader is continuing a no-sleep, no-rest, high-intensity schedule at this moment.

The article focussed on Kim’s people-first policies, stating that he did not hesitate to punish those who abused their positions likely referring to the recent demotions of corrupt top officials.

The article in the official newspaper of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea also said, “Our party, in drafting and implementing of all policies, have prioritized the people’s benefit and have cast the iron mace mercilessly to, whomever that is, those who infringe on the people’s benefit with abusing power, bureaucratism, and corruption.”

“Country’s star projects in the past few years, such as modern towns, cultural facilities, schools, and hospitals, were all made for the people and not some privileged class,” read the article.

The article also lauded Kim Jong Un’s love for the people and the leader’s greatness despite the country’s unprecedented hardships and severe conditions in the past eight years.

The daily also said that the hostile powers put an “unheard-of high-intensity pressure” to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, claiming that such pressure became particularly worse when the present Supreme Leader succeeded his father Kim Jong II after his death.


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