Man Finds A Mouse In Noodles; Reddit Has Hilarious Responses To His Situation, Find Out Why


Unlike the popular animated movie ‘Ratatouille’, having a rodent anywhere near your food will in no way make your life like a movie. In fact, in real life, having any kind of rodents near your food could not only be unwanted but also downright lethal. Nonetheless, we have seen ample examples of fast-food joints and supermarket food infested with insects and rodents of all kinds and the aftermath of these events were naturally, not good. However, who do you blame when the rodent infested food is not from a restaurant or hotel, but homemade? A Reddit user recently came across a similar situation when his homemade noodles had a mouse sitting on top of it. The user by the name r/mildlyinfuriating reposted the original post by u/haddyboo, and received 59.3k upvotes along with 4762 comments. Look at it here:

The situation, although dire, cracked up the viewers of Reddit and made them leaving hilarious comments on the post. The comments pointed out how the noodles were bland and dry and the mouse was all but trying to season the food. Some of the top hilarious comments on the post were:

Naturally, the comments were also filled with comparison with the movie Ratatouille and how the mouse looked ‘cute and sorry’:

Lastly, many did point out that it would have not been possible for the mouse to get in the food if it was refrigerated or stored right. The noodles were kept out for an hour and that’s when the mouse must have jumped in the food, making it more of the homeowner’s fault than the mouse.

What do you think about this hilarious comment section? Do you think it is the homeowner’s fault? Let us known in the comments below.


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