North Korea reportedly won’t participate in Tokyo Olympic Games


The country said it would skip this summer’s Olympic Games to “protect players from the world public health crisis caused by Covid-19,” according to a report published Tuesday in North Korean media DPRK sports, a website on sports affairs.

The decision was made by the DPRK Olympic Committee, which held a video conference meeting with committee members and sports officials on March 25 in capital Pyongyang, DPRK Sports reported.

The Olympic flame starts its final leg to Tokyo. Some suggest this day should never have come
The Games are currently scheduled to take place from July 23 to August 8. The Paralympics will follow, from August 24 to September 5.
Organizers were forced to postpone the Olympics for the first time in the event’s history in March 2020 due to the coronvairus pandemic.
Last month, the Tokyo 2020 Organizing Committee said international spectators would be refused entry into Japan due to the prevalence of the coronavirus in the country and abroad.


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