Shocking Viral Video Shows Dozens Of Dunkin Donuts Being Thrown Out


There’s no dearth of shocking video content on the internet. Recently, we saw a video of dead lizard found inside Sambhar at a popular South Indian restaurant. Another clip featured a man who was spitting on rotis before putting them into the Tandoor – after which he was arrested by local police. If you thought these videos were appalling, wait until you see the latest shocking video which has surfaced online. A Reddit user u/Melan420 shared a video of dozens of Dunkin Donuts being thrown out when the day got over, and the video is nothing short of a horrifying watch. Take a look:

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The video was posted on the sub-Reddit r/mildlyinfuriating, where it received over 82.5k upvotes and over 8.4k comments in the discussion. In the 55 second clip, an employee of Dunkin Donuts can be seen clearing out all the contents of all the shelves in the outlet. “Closing at Dunkin,” reads the caption to the video. The employee, identified as Kath Dias, takes trays after trays of perfectly good donuts and empties them into the trash can. She sneaks in a small donut in the process, while continuing the exercise for the rest of the video’s duration.

The ridiculous amount of food wastage irked Reddit users to no end. Several left comments about how the outlet could have planned better to avoid so many donuts being emptied into the trash. Others suggested selling them at slashed rates at closing time in order to feed the needy and homeless. A few employees also said that their management did not allow them to tie up with local organisations to make good use of the food.

Take a look at the reactions by Reddit users.

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Do you feel Dunkin Donuts could have avoided the food wastage? Or do you think the donuts being thrown away is a necessary business cost that cannot be forsaken? Tell us in the comments below.

About Aditi AhujaAditi loves talking to and meeting like-minded foodies (especially the kind who like veg momos). Plus points if you get her bad jokes and sitcom references, or if you recommend a new place to eat at.


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