This 10-Min Chocolate Dessert Is Perfect For Sudden Sugar Cravings


This 10-Min Chocolate Dessert Is Perfect For Sudden Sugar Cravings

This chocolate pudding recipe is a must-try.

There are many times when we want to eat something sweet and don’t have any patience to bake something. Remember those midnight hunger pangs? Can’t even go to the market to buy something. For times like these, you should always have a quick and easy dessert recipe at your disposal, If you don’t have any yet, pick this one. This recipe makes chocolate pudding or chocolate mousse in all of 10 minutes. Also, it is gluten-free and vegan. It is made with sweet potatoes and cocoa powder. Don’t let sweet potatoes surprise you, it turns into a delicious dessert and no one will even know what you put in it.

The chocolate pudding recipe was posted by food vlogger Manjula Jain on her YouTube channel ‘Manjula’s Kitchen’.

Here’s the complete recipe of chocolate pudding dessert:

Step 1 – Take 1 and 1/2 cup of sweet potatoes and cut them into small pieces. Boil them for about 5 minutes, till they are soft and tender.

Step 2 – Drain the water and wash with cold water. Grind them in a blender along with cocoa powder, sugar, coconut milk, cinnamon powder and vanilla extract. Give a few pulses till everything is mixed well and turns into a smooth paste.  

Step 3 – Put the paste in the refrigerator to cool it before serving. 

Step 4 – Garnish with sliced almonds and sliced strawberries or as per your choice. 

Watch the recipe video of quick chocolate pudding here: 

(Also Read: Try This 3 Minute Chocolate Cake Recipe)

About Neha GroverLove for reading roused her writing instincts. Neha is guilty of having a deep-set fixation with anything caffeinated. When she is not pouring out her nest of thoughts onto the screen, you can see her reading while sipping on coffee.


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