Trying To Gain Weight? This Oats-Banana Smoothie May Help


Maintaining the ideal weight is crucial for good health. Being either overweight or underweight is not recommended by health experts. While some people may struggle with losing those extra kilos, others face difficulty gaining them. Gaining weight is a tough process for a small section of the population, who may face issues because of reasons like genetics or a fast metabolism. For such people, weight gain is the first priority. Although it may sound like an ideal situation, it is quite difficult to gain weight in people whose predisposition is to lose it. Thankfully, weight gain too can be achieved with a diet rich in calorie-dense food. It is not advisable to start eating high-calorie junk food to gain weight, but a healthy and balanced diet rich in nutrients is recommended.

Experts advise that healthy snacking and supplementation to regular meals is important for weight gain. “In addition to three major meals, you need to include at least three snacks to be able to increase your food intake. For achieving this, it is important that you eat at regular intervals so that the food is digested and there is space for more,” says consultant nutritionist Rupali Dutta. So, if you are looking for a quick and easy recipe for weight gain, this oats banana smoothie may help.

(Also Read: Healthy Weight Gain: 5 Foods That Can Help With Healthy Weight Gain)

banana smoothie

Oats banana smoothie is an excellent recipe that can help in weight gain. Photo: iStock

Why Smoothie For Weight Gain? | How Oats-Banana Smoothie May Help In Weight Gain

As nutritionist Rupali Dutta revealed, it is not just important to eat food high in calories but also rich in essential nutrients. A 150ml serving of smoothie can be an excellent snack or mid-meal option for those trying to gain weight. This oats-banana smoothie may be the ideal accompaniment to a weight gain diet. Use full cream milk in the preparation and you can even add peanut butter to it. “Nut butter is a healthy choice too. They provide healthy oils and fat as compared to dairy butter and lots of calories to almost 180 for 2 tablespoons,” revealed Dutta.

How To Make Oats-Banana Smoothie For Weight Gain

So, how can you go about making an oats-banana smoothie? The recipe was shared by popular Nigerian YouTuber @TspicesKitchen. It has received over 2.7 million views and nearly 17k likes. The simple recipe requires a handful of ingredients that are easily available in the kitchen. An easy preparation process will ensure that this oats-banana smoothie will become your go-to recipe for weight gain.

Here Is The Full Recipe For Oats-Banana Smoothie By TSpicesKitchen:


1 Cup white Oats

2 medium size Bananas

1 and 1/2 cup Milk

2-3 tbsp Honey

2 tbsp spoon Peanut butter


Add oats, bananas, peanut butter, honey and milk to a blender. Let the blender run till the smoothie achieves the desired consistency. Serve in a tall glass with ice. Enjoy!

Watch the full recipe video here:

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