A few days ago, actor Anil Kapoor and wife Sunita Kapoor completed 36 years of marital bliss. Amid a nationwide lockdown, there could not be a party but the family definitely had a homely celebration, and Kapoor also shared with us a lovely video, chronicling their journey.

Along with that, it looks like there was plenty of cake, most of which was devoured by the actor himself. To shed all those calories, he has now hit the workout zone. “I enjoyed committing the crime – eating all the anniversary cakes …now I must do the time and burn off those calories,” he wrote, sharing a video of himself cycling.

A fitness freak anyway, the 64-year-old actor anyway works out diligently every day, and is fond of eating healthy. No wonder he can give young actors a run for money when it comes to being fit and energetic!

In an earlier interview, Kapoor had asked everyone to not give their daily workout a miss amid this lockdown, and suggested that we should indulge in physical activities for at least half an hour every day.