WeSettle, for the one’s looking for a journey of experiences, networking and adding value in other’s life | Companies News


WeSettle does not just strive to be another company with relations just limited to the capacity of an employee-employer, we are here to build a community and a family for not only the

students but the staff as well. We believe that teamwork and its environment fosters friendship and loyalty, which helps us to cooperate, understand the other person and motivate each other.

We here acknowledge and stand by the essence of teamwork and believe that the results we deliver, teamwork has a huge part to play.

Conquering this sector was not an easy task, we confess. Amidst the pandemic, launching a start-up and hiring professionals was a piece of work but we did not let that crumble our vigour. We conducted various interviews online to find the perfect people to fit the job right but moreover find their place in our family. We had to build an entire community comprising of students/staff from various cities, and that is exactly what we did.

After hours of interviews and long searches for the right fit, we can proudly say our team is a team you can put your trust in. We trust us, our rapport and our understanding which makes us work better together. We are a team who hail from various cities and understand the littlest of needs of any student, and seek to cater to all of them.

A point we would love to shed some light on is that our staff comprises of students who are working from home. Students, who not only receive mentorship and guidance but also the taste of the real world and experience and implement work ethics.

A fact that we are so glad about is that these students are the next generation, honing their skills that not only add value to the society but is building a generation with skills who will better the tomorrow. This was exactly the perspective with which we decided to launch the internship programme which started on October 1st and will end in the duration of 15 days.

If WeSettle launches a programme it has to be with a zing. So to spice it up we got onboard various professionals, name like Anubhav Singh Bassi, Nikki Mehra and Pushkar Raj Thakur, Prince Narula. To come and give their valuable insights to the students who register for the programme. What can you expect from the internship?

A plethora of acumen to understand and derive from that can be applied to any field of work. Exclusive trainings about branding, developing communications skills, team building and marketing strategies. Because, we understand the dire need of these skills and what better time to conduct it, when everyone is looking to learn or hone a skill.

Moreover, the students also have the opportunity to receive a stipend as incentives so that the motivation is always at the same par as us.

Something we can definitely assure the readers is that, our intention for this programme is the same with what we are trying to build WeSettle’s foundation and base in, which is teamwork and understanding.

We hope you come and try your hand so that we can welcome you all to our family and build the community we are always talking about.

This is a featured content.


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