Fortunes of MGM, Sands and Wynn are rising after they bled cash during years of pandemic border restrictions in the Chinese city.
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Tags: 2282.HK, arts, asia, Asia Pacific, bars, BRICS Countries, Casino Hotels, China, Developing Economies, east asia, Economic News, Emerging Market Countries, Gambling Industries, general news, government budget, Government Budget/Taxation, Government Finance, Greater China, HK:2282, hospitality, hotels, Hotels/Motels, international relations, Las Vegas, Las Vegas Sands, leisure, Leisure/Arts/Hospitality, lifestyle, living, Living/Lifestyle, lodgings, Lodgings/Restaurants/Bars, LVS, macau, MGM, MGM China, MGM China Holdings, MGM Resorts, MGM Resorts International, motels, Nevada, north america, political, Political/General News, politics, Politics/International Relations, Restaurants, subnational government budget, Subnational Government Budget/Taxation, SYND, taxation, Tourism, Travel, United States, Western U.S.,, wsjcorp, wsjfinance-asia, WYNN, Wynn Resorts